For the french version see our page Mentions légales.

AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website is published by the SAS AVALON DIGITAL company.

3, Allée des Frênes
38240 Meylan

SAS AVALON DIGITAL is a limited company under French law (SAS), registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) of Grenoble, France, under the number 801 051 772

The publishing manager of the website is SAS AVALON DIGITAL’s General Manager.
AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website is hosted by the OVH company.

Terms of use

AVALON-DIGITAL.COM is provided only for personal matters.
You can’t use AVALON-DIGITAL.COM , or any part of it, for commercial matters.
All data you’ll find in AVALON-DIGITAL.COM websites remains the sole property of the SAS AVALON DIGITAL company, even if you downloaded them.
You must have in mind that various information can be found with this Website. So, it’s of the responsibility of the parents to check if the information is convenient for their children, and if necessary to limit access to AVALON-DIGITAL.COM .
AVALON-DIGITAL.COM contains links to websites it doesn’t own. AVALON-DIGITAL.COM can’t be responsible for the content of these websites.
The user must agree not to use AVALON-DIGITAL.COM for illegal matters.
It’s the sole responsibility of the user of the consequences if he doesn’t use AVALON-DIGITAL.COM the right way. If the user don’t follow the terms of use, the SAS AVALON DIGITAL company may use legal prosecutions in order to obtain reparations.

Personal data

SAS AVALON DIGITAL company may get information about the user, in particular (but not exclusively) when the user:

  • Buys a product
  • Downloads a demo
  • Subscribes to a newsletter
  • Contacts the SAS AVALON DIGITAL company
  • Plays a game contest
  • Answers a survey

All personal data collected on AVALON-DIGITAL.COM has been declared to the French Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL).
You have a right to access, modify, correct or suppress all data concerning yourself (French law « Informatique et Liberté » of January 6th, 1978).
For all information regarding your rights, please contact us with our contact form.
You may also send a written request by postal mail to SAS AVALON DIGITAL head office.

Discussion forums

Discussion forums located on or through the AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website are here to allow you to bring your personal contribution to the various discussion subjects that we offer.
Data that are there cannot be collected or used for other purposes.
The users are not allowed to:

  • Slander, abuse, threaten anybody, to violate the rights of others.
  • Distribute, publish, download and communicate about racial, discrimination or obscene matters, and more generally to enforce existing laws.
  • Distribute, publish, download and communicate virus, files, documents, and more generally any software that could damage a computer.
  • Restrict or obstruct the use of discussion forums to others.
  • And more generally, to enforce the laws or the present terms of use.

A forum moderator is allowed to delete, before or after its submission, every contribution that would not be related to the concerned discussion subject, the publisher’s rules of discussion and conduct, or that would be illegal.
All personal data collected on AVALON-DIGITAL.COM has been declared to the French Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL).
You have a right to access, modify, correct or suppress all data concerning yourself (French law « Informatique et Liberté » of January 6th, 1978).
For all information regarding your rights, please use our contact form.
You may also send a written request by postal mail to SAS AVALON DIGITAL head office.

Exclusion of Responsibility

The users is aware that he can use the AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website at his own risks.
The AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website is given as is, without any warranty.
The SAS AVALON DIGITAL company offers no warranty that the information and/or anything they can get with AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website are right, comprehensive or up-to-date, or that AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website may contain any virus or anything that could be harmful to users.

The SAS AVALON DIGITAL company will never be responsible of any direct prejudice, indirect, accidental, special, incidental or other than could came from the use or the misuse of AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website, even if SAS AVALON DIGITAL company was aware before of a potential prejudice.

Intellectual Property

The AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website and all the intellectual property rights that come with its creation, its textual, graphical, musical and sound content, the choice of these data and their organization, belong to the SAS AVALON DIGITAL company or under licence of others.
The French law of 11th March 1957, allows, according to item 2 and 3 of its article 41, on the one side, that « copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private usage of the copier and not for a collective use », and, on the other side, that analysis and short quotations, for the purpose of example and illustration, « all representation or reproduction, total or partial, made without the consent of the author or his heirs is illegal » (item one of article 40).
This representation or reproduction would constitute a fake copy and would be liable of pursuits according to article 425 and following of the French Code Pénal.

As a consequence, partial or total reproduction of the AVALON-DIGITAL.COM website on any support of any form without the consent of the SAS AVALON DIGITAL company is forbidden, except with prior written consent from its publishing manager.

Legal matters

In case of legal prosecutions, only the French Court of Grenoble (France) will be competent.
You must have in mind that only the French version of the legal information will be of concern and is deemed valid.
The present legal information has been made for the sole purpose of assisting non-French speakers in its understanding, and cannot be used as a legal basis in any way.